Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Heating Cost by Fuel Type

Have you ever wondered exactly how much it would cost to use another heating source? For instance, would it be worth the initial expense to change for oil to gas? Or maybe it would be better to switch to a pellet stove? In order to answer these questions, an article on InspectAPedia has developed a table that compares the average cost of various fuel types:

Table 1 - January 2009 Comparison of Current Energy Costs per BTU for
Heating Oil, Natural Gas, Firewood, Pellet Stove Fuel, Propane, Coal
Heating FuelHeat Content in BTUs
Unit Cost
Cost / 1000 BTUs
Notes on Formulas & Fuels
Home Heating Oil
140,000 BTUs/Gal
HC = 140

UC = 2.00
1.42 cents
Price varies by time, season, economy, locale
Natural Gas
1029 BTUs/Cu. Ft.
HC = 1.029
$7.00/1000 Cu. ft.
UC = 0.7
0.68 cents
Price varies by time, season, economy, locale.
Firewood150,000 BTUs/Cu. ft.
HC = 150
$75/face cord

UC = 6.46/Cu. ft.
4.30 cents
BTUs vary by wood type, condition, design of wood heater. A face cord is 4' x 8' x 16" of wood tightly stacked = 42.6 cu. ft.
About $50./face cord in Dec 2008 in MN
A full cord 4' x 4' x 8' = 128 Cu. ft.
about $150. in Dec 2008 in MN, more in NYC
Electricity3413 BTUs / KWH
HC = 3.413

UC = 0.11
3.22 cents
1 KWH = 3413 BTUs.
Cost/1000 BTUs = $0.11 / 3.413 = .032258
Propane   in process
Pellet Stove Fuel8200 BTUs/pound
HC = 8.2
$225 / Ton1.4 cents$225. per ton of pellet fuel, 70% efficient. 50 40-pound bags per ton, or 60 40-pound bags per skid. One bag of pellet fuel burns for 24 hours in a typical pellet stove. $225 / 2000 (pounds per ton) = 11.25 cents / pound. .1125 / 8.2 = .0137
Coal   In process
Assuming xx-sized coal for use in coal stoves used as interior heat source, not coal fired furnaces or boilers which use pea coal.
Formulas Used [1]
(UC / HC)
* 100
Unit Cost (UC)__ x 100 = Heat Cost per 1000 BTUs
Heat Content (HC)

See notes above for specific fuels.

For the full article and methodology, visit the website.